CyberTalent Passport

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CyberTalent Passport is a unique digital wallet which expresses cybersecurity talent capability in a portable, interoperable format, friendly to both humans and machine systems. Originally developed as a subsystem of CyberTalent Bridge, the Passport is a valuable a tool for any learner or organization to share flexible, machine readable and computable talent data.

CyberTalent Passport is unique from other digital wallets in several key aspects:

  • Passports are able to express learner capabilities that derive from any relevant experience, including experiences outside of traditional learning pathways.
  • In addition to traditionally verifiable qualifications, Passports can usefully include qualifications that derive from “soft” sources such as personal assertions, much like a résumé.
  • Passports can be created by a learner, and then later annotated and amended by a trusted party, such as an organization manager.
  • Passports can be exported and shared as self-contained visual and machine-readable documents, expressed in open ontologies.

The Passport presents a learner’s Job Positions, Certifications, Education, Recommendations, and Personal Statements, all of which are generally referred to as credentials. Any credential may be selected to view details, including the NICE Framework Work Roles and Competencies associated with the credential.

Portable CyberTalent Passport
The portable CyberTalent Passport file can be viewed without any online service.

A Passport may be exported into a self-contained HTML file which can be viewed in any browser without any online service. The complete machine-readable JSON-LD passport data is contained in this file.

Any learner may create a free CyberTalent Passport at